Game Boy & Virtual Boy Anthology - Gold Edition
Game Boy & Virtual Boy Anthology - Gold Edition
The Game Boy & Virtual Boy Anthology Gold Edition offers a look back at the radically opposed destinies of these two consoles. When writing this Gold Edition, Math Manent (also author of N64 & GameCube Anthologies) surrounded himself with an exceptional team and set about creating the most complete books possible on both of these Nintendo platforms.
Super Nintendo Anthology Gold Edition
This version of the SNES Anthology meshes together both the Software and Hardware books from the out-of-print Ultimate Edition. It covers the console’s genesis through to the end of its life cycle (including a deep-dive into its many components, and its graphic/audio capabilities), as well as its accessories (official or otherwise), secrets behind the hardware, and a total of 1770+ official, unofficial and cancelled games.
Gamecube Anthology Classic Edition
This lovely tome covers the history of the development of the GameCube, exploring its hardware specifications, exploring rare and collectable GameCube memorabilia and unbelievably - it presents and rates all 647 published games with detailed information about their release date, developer, publisher & genre.