Mario Jumps Back On the Shelves

Mario Jumps Back On the Shelves

Let's 'A' Go!

It doesn't get anymore iconic than Mario, and the same is to be said undoubtedly for the masterful music that always seems to accompany him. We are proud to have the bouncy plumber jumping between our shelves here and Pixelcrib with the many varied products we have on offer from his iconic catalog

Boss Fight Series: Releases 6 & 13 

Don't miss the fleeting chance to get well versed on the expansive Mario world! These two documentary style books, take a deep dive into the development, history, impact and content of the two arguably most iconic entries in the series. Providing a rich and thorough insight into these masterpieces and exactly how it is that they could become the success stories they have cemented themselves to be

Mario & Chill LP

Maybe take the time to follow up or accompany your reading experience with the calm soothing sounds of the iconic songs and melodies of the franchise, rebuilt to a calming lo-fi vibe, perfect for relaxing, potentially with a few pages between your fingers.

Super Mario RPG Original Soundtrack CD

Even take a trip down this adventurous effort from Nintendo to explore a new genre and gameplay style for the iconic character. Enjoy the beautiful music that accompanies the refined role playing systems of this Mario release, and picture yourself back in Mario's shoes once again.

It's no secret that us at PixelCrib adore the Mario Franchise, having each grown up with it in our own capacity, the beautiful way in which it establishes a blueprint for interaction with the gaming medium at large with it's simple and effective systems, is something burned into the back of our brains forever. We hope that sharing that sentiment we can bring a bit more of that subconscious goomba stomping back to the forefront of your minds, and reignite that powerful tactile feeling of running around the mushroom kingdom, our Bowser's Castle, with one goal in mind!

It's inevitable that the princess, is always... always in another castle.

That is figuratively speaking, the metaphorical princess is sat waiting in the PixelCrib castle, ready for the right customer. So don't hesitate to hit the top of the flag pole when jumping over to the checkout for these perfect additions to any and all's collections!